Let’s start at the beginning. It is likely that you will have heard of both ‘climate’ and ‘culture’ within an organisation. There are some individuals within businesses that use these terms interchangeably, which is understandable because of their similarity but they are crucially different.
The difference
Organisational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values and beliefs that governs how people behave in the organisation. Culture is difficult to change as it is embedded in the behaviour of individuals and can therefore be seen as the personality of the organisation.
Whereas, climate is how members of an organisation experience the culture of that organisation and might best be described as the mood. The climate affects the employees’ engagement, motivation, job satisfaction, physical and mental health. It has been researched that the biggest single factor impacting job satisfaction, sickness and absence is the employees’ relationship with their line manager.

How is climate linked to performance?
Team climate is a major factor affecting success and impacting on overall team performance which is directly influenced by the leader’s behaviour towards their team. There is a strong, provable link between the climate in which people work, their level of attainment or performance and the factors impacting this performance.
Measuring climate helps to understand and improve both leadership effectiveness and team performance. This measurement will identify any gaps in perception between the leader and team members, highlighting potential areas of conflict, disconnect, misalignment or miscommunication. An understanding of this can then lead to increased performance for that individual and leader, but also for the business as a whole. You’d be surprised at the difference that can be made to an organisation by increasing the engagement of a number of employees and redirecting a leader’s focus.
How to measure climate
Performance Climate System (PCS) is a unique tool, created to measure climate, compare teams and highlight leadership impact, all from one survey.
PCS measures climate across 18 critical areas, to understand leadership impact and improve team performance. This then highlights gaps in perception between the leader and team members to drive clear improvement planning.
But it doesn’t stop as a one-off survey. PCS is enabled to track improvements over time, measuring the impact of training and development, to demonstrate a return on investment for training spend.
Send us an email to find out more about PCS, info@PerformanceClimateSystem.com.