Blog No.1: How the PCS model works for dispersed teams
During normal, non-Coronavirus impaired times, the objective of Performance Climate System (PCS) is to support our clients in measuring, analysing and enhancing the operating climate in their organisation. If ‘culture’ is a system of shared assumptions values and beliefs which govern the whole organisation, we define ‘climate’ as the local mood, feel and atmosphere within individual teams of people. And we correlate climate with leadership, as its key input, and performance, as the primary output. The better the leadership methods and behaviours > the better the climate > the better the performance of that team. Whatever that team’s output may be. It’s a relatively simple system which enables structured thinking to follow and very often yields light bulb moments. All of which build a valuable roadmap towards future measurement of, and improvements in, leadership, climate and performance.
However, as we all painfully know, our world is currently submerged in completely abnormal times. People are isolated. Teams are dispersed. Businesses and organisations are under immense, unforeseen pressure. And everyone is having to adapt their operations, often with a view to survival, let alone premium performance, for the foreseeable (short? medium?) term. Highly likely, the majority of us are working in unusual locations via, until now, infrequently tested communications paths, without being able to interface and relate in the ways we would normally apply.
All of which makes us wonder. How is that going for you, your people and your organisation right now? And furthermore, how might it impact your future structures and methods once we are through the worst of this isolation period? The PCS team thought it could be helpful to share the main framework of what the system looks at. In doing so, we want to unwrap the rationale behind measuring climate. And how it puts a structure around the leadership inputs which generate the climate, which itself drives team engagement and consequent performance. With teams working remotely, optimising team climate is arguably more important than ever.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll expand in more detail on the concept of Climate, each of the six main pillars of leadership methods and behaviours that PCS evaluates and lastly the component tools within the full Performance Climate System. In brief, the main pillars PCS evaluates are:
Goals: the vision and targets the team aims its activity towards
Roles: right internal organisation of team members’ strengths, capabilities and responsibilities
Processes: replicable activity that leads to sustainable and consistent performance
Adaptability: the ability to sustainably address constant change and innovation
Connection: the team’s approach to its network of relationships
Resilience: the team’s working practices and sustainable leadership behaviours
Even without running a full PCS analysis, amongst other likely higher priorities right now, some dedicated clear thinking around all of these pillars ought to help your short-term focus during these times of great stress. Indeed, it should also help in setting a pathway towards optimising your organisation’s future approach to leadership, climate and performance, as we all find our feet and potentially establish new norms, as and when we emerge from all this.
Next time we’ll start digging into some deeper PCS detail, firstly looking at the concept of Climate.
By Toby Ellison, April 2020