Performance management consultants certainly don’t lack choice when it comes to performance management tools. Most of these focus on similar areas such as 360 reviews, appraisals, goal setting, and personal development plans.
The scope, functionality and complexity of these tools varies, making it difficult to find one tool that is ideal for the full range of potential clients and potential focus areas. But changing tools to suit specific assignments isn’t always easy – particularly if you have to buy a license for each one.
Tools tend to focus on managing individual performance. This is essential, but it isn’t the whole picture. The Performance Climate System (PCS) is unique in that it applies over 30 years of academic research to pinpoint the factors that drive high levels of team and organisational performance.
The research has shown, beyond question, that the difference in perception between leaders and their teams across the dimensions of goals, roles and process (transactional performance), and adaptability, connection and resilience (transformational performance) determines overall performance.
Added Value Insights
PCS is designed to complement your existing performance management tools. Where PCS enables you to add greater value with your clients is the ability to track the organisational climate. You can then offer insights into differences between how leaders and their teams view the organisation and their place within it. PCS also provides the insight on to how to address the gaps: what you need to focus on, and how greater performance can be achieved.
Not all of your clients are ready for PCS. And we believe that consultants need the maximum flexibility to draw on the right tools at the right time.
Because we appreciate the need for flexibility we don’t tie PCS Practitioners into buying a license or to any commitment to selling a specific number of PCS campaigns. You are best placed to know the clients you work with, and those that are ready to make the most of the powerful insights you can deliver through using PCS.
Becoming a Practitioner is straightforward. You become certified through our comprehensive and acclaimed e-learning programme. You are then supported by Performance Climate System Ltd with regular open forum webinars, check-in phone calls and an active LinkedIn group.
And when you have a client that is ready to get serious about organisational performance it’s easy to purchase your PCS campaigns via the PCS website using your Practitioner login . What you pay is based on how much you use the tool.
Interested in becoming a Practitioner? Find out more.